Therapy for Phobias Near You | In-Person and Online Therapy for Phobias

Combat fears and phobias with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) near you. Take the first step towards a phobia-free life today.

What is a phobia? What are the Symptoms?

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), a “specific phobia is an intense, irrational fear of something that poses little or no actual danger. Although adults with phobias may realize that these fears are irrational, even thinking about facing the feared object or situation brings on severe anxiety symptoms.”

Some common phobias include:

  • Spiders

  • Driving

  • Flying

  • Heights

  • Blood

  • Snakes

  • Being trapped

  • Needles

  • Dogs

If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. It’s been estimated that 9.1% of US adults experienced a phobia in the last year.

Benefits of Therapy for Phobias

Using proven therapy techniques, you can achieve much relief from phobias. Join Therapy for phobias to experience:

  • Knowing how to calm yourself down when in the feared situation

  • No longer living in fear of your phobias

  • Understanding phobias on a deep level

  • Relief from dreaded avoidance of the phobia

  • Living with more confidence and freedom

In therapy with me, you’ll learn how to gradually face your phobias, therefore decreasing the fear over time.

CBT Therapy for Phobias

When you join me for Therapy for Phobias, you’ll learn:

  • Why you want to avoid facing your phobias

  • Which techniques work for you to keep you grounded and feeling in control

  • What your fears are and a gradual approach to help you face them

You’ll experience the benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Phobias. Feel more in control and able to face your phobias and feared situations.

Exposure Therapy for Phobias

Therapy for Phobias normally includes exposures. We’ll work together to create a fear hierarchy, or fear ladder. Then we’ll gradually expose you to your phobia. By facing the phobias and feared situations, your anxiety about the phobia will decrease over time.

Schedule a consultation with me today to learn more about exposure therapy for phobias.

Phobia Treatment Online

You can join me for Phobia Treatment Online in 40 states, as pictured below.

My service areas include Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia,

Wisconsin, Wyoming. 

Lastly, I offer in-person therapy for phobias in Boulder, CO.

Online therapy for phobias is convenient. You’ll meet with me once per week via a secure telehealth platform. As therapy progresses, you can join therapy every other week, then only when you need a boost.

The initial session with me is 60 minutes and costs $300. Continuing regular sessions are 45 minutes and cost $250.

A note about insurance: I do not currently work with any insurance companies. If you want to use your insurance to pay for therapy, I can give you a “superbill,” which is the paper you send to your insurer to get reimbursed.

Therapy for Phobias in 40 states

How to Start Therapy for Phobias

1 - Fill out the contact form to request a free consultation now.

2 - We’ll meet for a free 10-15 minute phone consultation to discuss your goals.

3 - We will meet for therapy weekly until you can manage your phobia symptoms well.

About Me: Your Phobia Therapist

Hi, I’m Whitley Lassen, a psychologist in Colorado. I believe that you can learn to manage your symptoms and live a life of purpose and meaning. At the end of our work together, you’ll be like your own therapist - able to identify your panic symptoms ahead of time and use coping skills to manage your anxiety.

I have over 15 years of experience treating Phobias and have helped thousands of clients. I specialize in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Panic Disorders, Anxiety, Worry, Fear, and Phobias. So please know that you have an expert supporting you when you come for therapy for Phobias. 

Are you ready to join others just like you who’ve taken control of their phobias? Who aren’t ruled by their fears any longer? Who have relief from the daily burden of living with a phobia? Schedule a consultation or call me today.

FAQ for Therapy for Phobias Near You

What are 5 signs of a phobia?

Five symptoms you may experience if you have phobia are:

  • intense fear and anxiety when faced with your phobia

  • heart palpitations, shortness of breath, or chest pain

  • going out of your way to avoid your phobia   

  • feeling like you need to escape

  • frequent and intense worry about your phobia  

You can also experience muscle tension, crying, nausea, vomiting, lightheadedness, insomnia, tingling in hands or feet, or head pressure/headaches. If you’re experiencing any of the above, contact me for a free phone consultation.

Do phobias ever go away?

Phobias are highly treatable with therapy, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Exposure Therapy. Working on phobias alone is not recommended. Working with a competent therapist with whom you have a good relationship is key. A Phobia is unlikely to go away on its own. Schedule a free consultation with me today to get started on overcoming your phobias.

How is a phobia diagnosed?

I can help you determine whether or not you have a phobia. In general, a specific phobia is an intense and irrational fear of a specified object or situation that is results in avoidance or extreme distress. Some phobias are centered on a specific feared object, while others are tied to different situations. If what you’re experiencing doesn’t meet the criteria for a phobia, I can help determine what’s going on and how to address it. I specialize in fear, anxiety, worry, phobia, and panic. With me, you have a highly trained and experienced therapist working alongside you to achieve calm and control.

Where do phobias come from?

While we don’t completely understand where phobias come from, it often starts from a bad experience. Having a panic attack as a result of a bad experience with a situation or event can trigger a phobia. Genetics can also play a role. To help clients understand their fears and phobias, we’ll explore past episodes of fear and anxiety and look for clues. We’ll also develop a personalized plan so that we can tackle your phobias together. Schedule a consultation today and let’s face your phobias, together.

Who usually gets phobias?

Phobias are more common than some may expect. 19 million people in the US have one or more phobia. Phobias usually start when someone is a teenager or young adult, although they can start in childhood. Phobias impact men and women equally. If you’re worried you may have a phobia, contact me for a free consultation, where we can discuss your experience and explore what a treatment plan might look like for you.

What happens if a phobia goes untreated?

The sooner you get Therapy for Phobias, the better. Without treatment, many people tend to avoid anything that is related to the feared situation or phobia. This can progress until thinking about the phobia can cause panic attacks . Please seek help before phobias interfere with your functioning.

What is the best treatment for phobias?

After 15 years of offering fear therapy in a variety of settings, I confidently say CBT plus Exposure Therapy is the best treatment for phobias. I’ve worked with over a thousand clients to date, and CBT plus Exposure Therapy has been most helpful for Phobias. If you’re ready to beat Phobias, schedule a consultation or call me today.

Learn coping skills and strategies to manage anxiety and life a meaningful and purposeful life.